Newsletter 2013/2/10

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週訊 Newsletter

Lord’s Day Message

Topics: Gospel Meeting of Hymns and Testimonies

Bible Verses:

“Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God.” (Eph. 2:19)

“Oh sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth! Sing to the LORD, bless his name; tell of his salvation from day to day.” (Psa. 96:1~2)

Next Topics: Review on Colossians


  1. Today the Lord’s Table will be at 1:00PM. Afterwards we will have some sports activities as well as dumping making and BBQ. All are welcome to stay and enjoy.
  2. Recently the young people attendance have increased. To meet the present need there will become two groups, junior and senior, in the second part of Lord’s Day meeting. If you have any question, please fellowship with Brother Raymond and Sister Christine.
  3. We are trying to make the name list of all young and children. All the parents please come to the table of the audio service and look the name list and make correction if needed.
  4. Please exercise ourselves to attend the meeting on time.


  1. May the Lord give every brother and sister a spirit of preaching gospel and open the hearts of all friends that they can receive the precious salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  2. Pray that the Lord will give every brother and sister healthiness, peace and joy in our daily living. Also pray for those (the saints or the relatives) who have sicknesses. May the Lord heal the sick according to His will as well as comfort and strengthen the saints.
  3. Pray for the new school year that all the young people can be kept and strengthened in the Lord.


  1. Breaking the Bread: Brother David Tan  and Richard Cui

Serving Bread and Cup: Brother Jason Wang and Sean Dong

  1. Pianist: Ching Tan
  2. Cleaning: Bill & Christine Family, Sam & Hannah Family, Winnie, Tina & Flona Jiang


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