Newsletter 2012/12/16

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週訊 Newsletter

Lord’s Day Message

Bible Verses: Col. 2

Topics: Knowing Christ and not be deceived by human philosophy or religious practices

Important Verses:

“That their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God’s mystery, which is Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” (Col. 2:2~3, ESV)

“See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ. For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you have been filled in him, who is the head of all rule and authority.” (Col. 2:8~10)

Message Outline

In chapter one, Paul mentioned Christ who is the preeminent one and the salvation He has accomplished. Now he goes on to tell us that human philosophy which is not in Christ and the religious practices which has no reality of Christ will not help us growth in reality.

1.      The deceives Christians need to face

  1. Philosophy and empty deceit, human tradition and elementary principles of the world (8)
  2. Religious practices: food and drink, festival, new moon or Sabbath (16), voluntary humility, worship of angels, and then puffing up (18).
  3. Asceticism: subjecting to ordinances, self-imposed worship, false humility, and harsh treatment of the body (20~23)

Paul says that these are deceiving by fine-sounding arguments (4). These make people feel reasonable, good, and even godly, whereas they in fact lead people away from Christ.

2.      The reality in Christ

  1. God’s mystery is Christ and in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (2~3).
  2. In Christ the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and we have been given fullness in Him (9~10).
  3. We are circumcised in Christ, buried and raised with him through faith in baptism (11~13).
  4. The salvation of the cross has canceled the legal demands and disarms the rulers and authorities (14~15).
  5. Religious practices are a shadow and the substance is of Christ (17).

Christ is the only way that we may gain the wisdom and knowledge to know God and receive the fullness of God. The salvation of the cross which makes us die and resurrect with Christ is far better than any religious practices.

3.      Holding fast to the head and growing with the supply of the body (19)

Holding fast to the head means that we see Christ as the preeminent one, seek His supply, and admit His full authority in everything. This will keep us from deceiving ourselves in our Christian living.

Paul also reminds us that to grow in life we must receive the supply in the body. This is through the nourishing and knitting together by the joints and ligaments that we may receive divine life and grow in life.

Next Topics: Gospel Meeting



  1. This afternoon at 1:15 there is a perfecting and fellowship for the serving of ushering and cleaning. Every saint is welcome to participate.
  2. There will be a gospel meeting on 23/12 (Lord’s Day). Let’s prepare together to testify the treasure of the Lord. Please also invite your friends to come and participate. The Lord’s Table will be held at 1:15pm.
  3. On 26/12 (Wednesday) there will be an outing to visit Central Coast and the Reptile Park. A bus will be rented. The cost will be $27 per person. Please contact sister Lamee for details and register.


  1. Pray that the Lord will give every brother and sister healthiness, peace and joy in our daily living. Also pray for those whose loved ones have serious sicknesses. May the Lord heal the sick according to His will as well as comfort and strengthen the saints.
  2. Pray for the sisters just baptized (Bao-Ling Lei, Margaret Yang, and Pauline Zhang). May the Lord keep them grow in the church life and bring the salvation to their family.

Pray for the gospel meeting on 23/12 that the Lord can express the power of the gospel and add the new ones to His church.


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