The Church in Sydney
22/380 Eastern Valley Way, Roseville NSW 2069, Australia
Sunday Services
Each week, we offer services in both English and Chinese. Additionally, on the first Sunday of every two months, we meet together for a combined service to fellowship and worship as one community.
10:00 AM–11:00 AM
In the Bible, Jesus calls His followers to break bread and take the cup in remembrance of Him. This is called Communion, or the Lord’s Table. Each week, we worship in prayer and song, and take Communion
the word
11:15 AM–12:00 PM
Jesus also tells His followers to obey His commands and to abide in His words. We dive into the Bible and listen to teaching and preaching from the Word
How to Find Us
There is parking both on the upper (where the church is located) and lower levels. To park on the lower level, go straight after turning right off of Lower Gibbes instead of going up the ramp. After parking, take the stairs up to the church.
Additional Weekly Meetings
Epping Bible Study
Tuesdays @ 8 PM
Join us in Epping on Tuesday nights to get into the Bible, grow in knowledge of God and Jesus, and learn more about the Christian faith!
FISH Youth Group
Saturdays @ 6:30 PM (Fortnightly)
FISH is our fortnightly youth group for High schoolers, held at a couple different homes of families in the church. This is a great time for young people to develop and grow their relationship with Jesus, and make Christian friends!