Lord’s Day Message
Topics: The Book of Colossians – the introduction and its burdens
Bible Verses: Col.1:15~20, 28~29, 2:9~12, 3:1~4
Important Verses:
“He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. … And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent.” (Col. 1:15, 18, ESV)
“For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you have been filled in him, who is the head of all rule and authority.” (Col. 2:9~10)
“Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.” (Col. 1:28)
“If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.” (Col. 3:1)
Message Outline
1. The Background
Generally it is believed that Paul did not visit Colossae personally, however he has intimate fellowship with the saints from the fellowship of other coworkers, especially Epaphras. As Paul knew the church has faced some problems relating to doctrines and practices, he wrote this epistle to bring saints back to the belief which Christ has the centrality and preeminence (1:28).
2. The Main Theme and Burdens
Colossians is an epistle with Christ as the center. Facing the problems of the saints, Paul’s burden is to bring them back to the knowledge and assurance with Christ.
In this epistle, Paul stresses that Christ is in the first place in all things (1:15, 18), and in Him all fullness dwells. In other words, in the pursuing and living of the Christians, Christ must be the focus and the content. Everything apart from Christ, including philosophy, religious doctrines and practices, will take the saints away from God’s will.
Furthermore, when we know and yield to Christ as the head, and when we enjoy the fullness dwelling in Him, our mind and our living should changes (3:1~2) so that we can experience Christ in a deeper way and testify Him. This is a New-Man living which Paul emphasizes in chapters 3~4. Christ is our life (3:4) and therefore we should live out a New-Man living which testifies our union with Christ in our family life and in our work.
Next Topics: Colossians 1:1~14
- There will be a gospel meeting on 23/12 (Lord’s day). Let’s prepare together to testify the treasure of the Lord. Please also invite your friends to come and participate.
- The church web site is “christiansinsydney.org”, please visit and give any suggestion to Sister Jessica Wang.
- May the Lord give every saint a serving heart and pray that though our serving in the church can receive more blessing from the Lord and express more glory of the Lord.
- Pray that the Lord will give every brother and sister healthiness, peace and joy in our daily living. Also pray for those whose loved ones have serious sicknesses. May the Lord heal the sick according to His will as well as comfort and strengthen the saints.
- Pray for the sisters just baptized (Bao-Ling Lei, Margaret Yang, and Pauline Zhang). May the Lord keep them grow in the church life and bring the salvation to their family.
- Pray for the gospel meeting on 23/12. May the Lord express His power in gospel and add more new ones to His church.
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