Newsletter 2019/09/01

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週訊 Newsletter

Messages: God’s Building
19 So then let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding. 20 Do not, for the sake of food, destroy the work of God. … (Rom.14:19-20a)
9 For we are God’s fellow workers. You are God’s field, God’s building. 10 According to the grace of God given to me, like a skilled master builder I laid a foundation, and someone else is building upon it. Let each one take care how he builds upon it. … 16 Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? 17 If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him. For God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple. (1Cor.3:9-10, 16-17)
19 So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, 20 built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, 21 in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. 22 In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit. (Eph.2:19-22)
You yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. (1Pet.2:5)
Message Next Week: Romans 15:1-13
1. We welcome all the new ones who are joining us today. May God bless you and lead you into the family of God.
After the meeting, we will have a love feast for lunch. We hope that everyone can stay to enjoy the fellowship and love of the Lord with us. There are tea and tea sets in the hall, and we welcome all to use it for fellowship after lunch.
2. Starting this week, the food service will be changed back to everyone bringing in dishes. There will be two brothers or sisters to serve in the kitchen. For details, please contact brother Ming Pan.
We hope that all other brothers and sisters can join the cleaning service. If you are willing, please fellowship with brother Joe Zhou. (The English speaking group will serve cleaning every three weeks.)
We will set September 15th afternoon as the spring cleaning of the hall. May all brothers and sisters set apart the time and serve together so that the hall can look anew.
In the practical serving for the church, we hope that all the brothers and sisters can offer their bodies as a living sacrifice and learn to work together and support each other. The oneness in serving can always bring in more of God’s blessings.
3. 2019 Spring Conference
Speaker: Benjamin Sheu
Topics: The Life of Abraham (Gen. 15)
Dates: October 5-7 (Sat. morning to Monday morning)
Place: Meeting Hall
Brother Benjamin Sheu will arrive with his wife Johanna in early October. After the conference they will stay in Sydney for another 2 to 3 months to serve and strengthen our English speaking saints. May we all pray for their coming.
4. There will be a conference at the end of year. We do encourage the English speaking young people to attend so that our second generation brothers and sisters can then experience His truthfulness and His abundant grace. If you are interested in going, please contact brother Yulin Wang.
Lord’s Day Meeting Number & Financial Report
Meeting Number: Chinese 64, English 24
Total 88 (Children 11)
Financial: Offering $14,084.25, Expenses $12,705.59
Total $1,378.66
Meeting Number: Chinese 67, English 24
Total 91 (Children 13)
Financial: Offering $10,334.00, Expenses $12,705.59
Total $-2,371.59
Church Meetings/Time/Place
Home Meetings
Chinese Speaking Young People: 2/9 Mon. 7:00pm, Richard & Flora (w/dinner)
@ Chatswood: 5/9 Thu. 8:00pm, Ming Pan
@ North Region: 7/9 Sat. 7:30pm, Patrick Li
English speaking Bible study:
3/9 Tue. 7:00pm, Yulin (w/ dinner)
Sisters Meeting: 4/9 Wed. 10:00am, Hannah Dong
Prayer Meeting: 4/9 Wed. 7:45pm, Meeting Hall
High school students meeting: 6/9 Fri. Yulin
Pursuing for Ministering: 6/9 Fri. 8:00pm, David Tan
1. May the Lord bless our gospel friends so that they can know how precious the Lord is and become willing to believe in Him.
2. Pray for the upcoming Spring Conference. May the Lord bless our plan and preparation so that all the brothers and sisters could receive an abundant supply of life and grace from the Lord in the conference.
3. Pray for the Chinese speaking New Believers’ Lessons that all the brothers and sisters who join the lessons can be built up in truth and grow in life.
4. Pray for the Year 12 students who are preparing the HSC exams. May the Lord be with them in all the process and bless their future.
5. Pray for the future of our Chinese speaking young people, especially for their immigration. May the Lord lead them and bless them. Pray also for those who will leave for other cities for study or work (Jean, Albert, and Kevin). May the Lord bless them that they love and serve Him continuously wherever they go.
6. Pray for the brothers and sisters or their relatives who are weak in body or spirit. May the Lord care for them and give them sufficient grace.
7. Pray for the testimony of the church in Canberra. May the Lord show His power of the gospel and raise up brothers and sisters for a strong testimony.
Serving This Week: (Sep. 1)
1. Message: Yulin Wang (Combined meeting)
2. Breaking Bread: Thomas Wu & Sam Li
3. Serving Bread & Cup: Sam Li, Chuan Ma, MengQiang Lin & Ash Li
4. Food: All brothers and sisters
5. Cleaning: Group 1
6. Children: Lamee, Chris, Berry, Betty & Joe
Serving Next Week: (Sep. 8)
1. Message: Benjamin Lim (Downstairs)
Yulin Wang (Upstairs)
2. Breaking Bread: Richard Chen & Joe Zhou
3. Serving Bread & Cup: Richard Cui, Sam Li, Patrick Li & Joe Zhou
4. Food: All brothers and sisters
5. Cleaning: English Speaking Group
6. Children: Lu Gan, Vasya, Lillian, Hannah Meng

If you wish to use an electrical transfer for your offering or payment (conferences or books, etc.), here is the bank information of the church:
Acc Name: Christians In Sydney
BSB: 062-155
Acc no: 904388
Please also write the purpose of the transfer on the reference (such as Collaroy conference, etc.)

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