Newsletter 2018/12/09

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週訊 Newsletter
Newsletter for Church in Sydney


Dec. 9, 2018




Messages: Gospel Meeting

Message Next Week: Gospel Meeting


  1. We welcome all the new ones who are joining us today. May God bless you and lead you into the family of God.

After the meeting we will have a love feast (free lunch). We do hope that everyone can stay to enjoy the fellowship and love of the Lord with us.

  1. After the meeting, Brother Joe Zhou will be baptized into the Lord. May all the brothers and sisters come together to support and give praises and prayers for the Lord to bless the future of our brother.
  2. On December 22, we are planning a one day trip outing. We will rent the bus for sightseeing and welcome all to participate. For details and registration please contact Sister Lamee.
  3. There is a conference on Feb. 11-15 2019 in Shanghai. If you can join, please contact Brother Yulin.
  4. There about 50 copies left for the 2019 Gospel Calendars. We encourage all the brothers and sisters to use them at home or as a gift to the gospel friends. Every copy costs $6. Please put the money into the offering and mark “Gospel Calendar” on the envelop.

Church Meetings/Time/Place

Home Meetings

Chinese Speaking Young People: 10/12 Mon. 7:00pm, Richard & Flora (w/dinner)

@ Chatswood: 13/12 Thu. 8:00pm, Ming Pan

@ North Region: 15/12 Sat. 7:30pm, Bill & Christine’s

Pursuing of Uni Students:

11/12 Tue. 7:00pm, Yulin’s (w/ dinner)

Sisters Meeting: 12/12 Wed. 10:00am, Megan’s

Prayer Meeting: 12/12 Wed. 7:45pm, Meeting Hall

Highschooler Meeting: 14/12 Fri, 7:30pm, Yulin’s

Pursuing for Ministering: 14/12, 8:00pm, David’s


  1. May the Lord bless our gospel friends so that they can know how precious the Lord is and become willing to believe in Him.
  2. May the Lord bless brothers Thomas Wu, Vincent Tai and sister Sarah Wang who will join the Vision Week and pursuing in Cleveland Ohio US on December. May the Lord bless them to gain more of His riches, and become the blessings in our church life.
  3. Pray for the new believers (5 brothers: Yuan Liu, Yuan-Pei Zhao, Chao Ma, Lyon Yang and Jack Zhou as well as 13 sisters: Ariel Chen, Lu Gan, Lan-Xiu Zhang, Li-Fang Ge, Kelie Wei, Li-Yuan Xu, Jean Hu, MinFang Wu, XiuQing Chen, Heidi Li, Tracy Lin, Sophie, AnJie Lin. May the Lord establish them in the church life and bless their growth in life.
  4. Pray for the brothers and sisters or their relatives who are weak in body or spirit. May the Lord care for them and give them sufficient grace. Please pray for Brother Michael Lin and Sister Ah Seng Chow

Serving This Week: (Dec. 9)

  1. Message: Gospel Meeting
  2. Food: Bringing dishes by everyone, Group 3 to serve in the kitchen
  3. Cleaning: Group 4
  4. Children: Tina Zhang/Michael, Esther, Mandy & Tracy

Serving Next Week: (Dec. 16)

  1. Message: Patrick Li & Yulin Wang (Downstairs)

Thomas Wu (Upstairs)

  1. Breaking Bread: TBA
  2. Serving Bread & Cup: TBA
  3. Food: Group 4
  4. Cleaning: English Speaking Saints
  5. Children: Hannah, Christine & Fiona








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