Testimonies for Spring Conf.
A conference of two and half days may seem to be long initially, yet when it came to the end it was so short. So many were filled with joy inside and kept a smile on their faces. So many, old or young, were touched in spirit and desired to pursue Christ. Now the conference ended, however, the words of God have remained in the heart of many saints. For this, we really praise our Lord! Here are some testimonies written (or spoken) by the saints. We hope that from their words we can gain more encouragement to enjoy Christ together in the coming days of our church life. (There are more testimonies, which will be posted in the future newsletter.)
Concluding words from Brother David Tan
In many years many saints have expected me to do a lot. I feel that I didn’t give himself completely in the church life. However, with what little I gave, the Lord has used that to preserve and bless the church otherwise we wouldn’t be here today.
We want to practice Philadelphia. You need to see that your experience and handling of Christ is very important. Once you have that kind of experience, whenever you are declaring, it becomes fellowship. Which means whatever you declare will make the other person closer to you. This is the way it should be. Thank you, brother, for giving us this kind of perspective. Let us all see this way. This is our local church. This is what God desires.
I have remained here for so many years- gone through all the storms, gone through all the difficulties. You don’t know how much, but I did it all. My brothers and sisters, you need to realize that Christ is the only one who is going to sustain us, not what we learned in our experience in our life because whatever the human life had gone through or experienced will pass away. Only one consisted of God will be eternal. So brothers and sisters, I am so impressed when our brother says that we are very good. I can’t say that. But all I say is that inside of you all is something good. So let us bring this goodness inside to come out from you with Christ Himself.
The prayer in the end
Lord Jesus, how blessed we are that we can still remain. Though we have gone through the storms, You still preserve us. We are still here, Lord, even though we are weak and we still hold to Your name. Lord Jesus, You still keep us. O Lord Jesus, let us forget the past. We want to go forward to look upon You, to desire You, to keep on handling You, to keep on touching You.
O Lord Jesus, this is your house, this is your family, this is your habitat. Do bless your church so that this church would be a golden lampstand. I believe this is a golden lampstand. It just needs You to come out. We need You to come out from every brother and sister. O Lord Jesus, make this golden lampstand really shine out of You so that You would be the one expressed here. Lord Jesus, bless this church, bless all the brothers and sisters. Let us go forward, Lord Jesus, heal all our difficulties, heal all our hurts, heal all our conflictions. Lord Jesus, we need you, Lord. We need You to keep touching us, Lord. Lord Jesus, we thank you for all these things. Bless all the people here, Lord. May you grow in them strongly, Lord. We pray in Jesus’ name.
Testimony by Bro. Raymond Young
I’d heard Br Titus was good, but I didn’t build my expectations up too much. I was mostly hoping the kids would be able to sit through the meetings and get something…Well they did and we all got helped so much! A few things stand out for me: (1) John’s ministry came after the early church had fallen apart to a large extent and John himself had been overlooked for almost his whole life. What he wrote was not for ambition but simply to help the saints keep going in the face of degradation. (2) we all have to accept that we are children in the church and just do our bit. There are little children – fathers, little children – young men and little children – children and we all have our proper function. For many of us it is enough to come home to the Lord. Most of us need to go on and defeat the evil one occasionally by overcoming the world. (3) How? By getting to know the Lord so well that we can handle Him!
Such a simple and helpful message! The spiritual infusion completely energised us- the overflow of this was skipping with the kids afterwards – we were so happy. Spending time with the Lord gives you energy physically, makes you happy inwardly and makes you love all the people around you. The Lord is the solution for everything!
Testimony by David Yu
I recall Saturday morning, groaning and not wanting to get out of bed. Why? Because there was a boring conference on. This guy, Titus Chu, who I barely knew, sounded like the same old guy who gave out boring, long lectures, droning on, and on. I didn’t really give him my full attention on the first day, which I now regret. I now treasure his words and keep them buried in my mind. I was a teenager who thought anything that didn’t have something practical was a waste of time. My thoughts were soon to be changed.
That first meeting, even though I wasn’t fully listening, I could tell he was different. He had this flair about him that made me rethink. Still, I talked myself out of it, making excuses. In the next conference I attended, I gave him my full attention. This meeting really touched me with what he said. He told it using stories and examples using us kids, making it like a gripping adventure novel you are reading and you don’t want to go to sleep. That was what I felt. This kept repeating for the last two meetings. The talks made me feel like a ten year old in a sports car, roaring down the highway again.
The messages he gave really stands out to me. For years, ever since I became a Christian, I had been slowly chewing away at my apple, trying to bite through to the core. I had been trying to discover the deep meanings, the core, of Christianity. I had timelessly tried and failed, given up and stopped, but what Brother Titus Chu said sticks in my heart. He helped me to find that deeper meaning. Brother Chu also taught me new things like how to pray sincerely to God, that touching the Lord is a new beginning, it is better to touch the Lord and be angry than not to touch him at all, the seven churches and many, many more. However, the main thing that I will take away from the conferences is that I have rediscovered just how much I love Jesus (and vice versa) for all he has done for me, even though I am a sinner and unworthy of his grace and love. That is what I will take away from the meetings.
Over the past two and a half days, I have realized that whatever happens in life is the best, even though we may not think it at the time. I have been inspired to touch the Lord and spend time with him more.
These conferences will definitely be a highlight of my life and have left me wanting more, leaving me on the edge of my seat, eager to come to church to learn more. Finally, I must thank Titus Chu for revealing all these messages that were once hidden. Thank you for shaping my Christian life by refining it and making it better. Lord Jesus, I just love you.
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